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Gta 5 Stock Market Glitch

GTA 5 Stock Market Glitch for Massive Profits: Updated and Improved Version

Unveiling the Secrets: A Comprehensive Guide


The stock market in Grand Theft Auto V offers exciting opportunities for savvy investors. However, mastering the intricacies of the virtual bourse can be challenging. Here, we present an updated and fully-functional version of the legendary LFI stock market glitch, empowering you to amass vast fortunes in GTA 5's story mode.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Invest heavily in eCola stocks.
  2. Save your game.
  3. Disable auto-save in the settings.
  4. Head to the pier and engage in a shootout.
  5. Reload your saved game.

Mechanism of the Glitch

The glitch leverages a fundamental flaw in the game's stock market system. By exploiting this, investors can manipulate stock prices to their advantage. When auto-save is disabled, the game does not record any subsequent transactions. Thus, reloading the saved game resets the stock prices back to their original state, allowing for repeated exploitation of the glitch.

Maximizing Profits

To maximize profits, invest as much money as possible in eCola before executing the glitch. Repeat the steps outlined above multiple times to amass staggering wealth. Note that this glitch is only applicable to the story mode of GTA 5.


With this updated and improved LFI stock market glitch, you now possess the knowledge to become a financial tycoon in Grand Theft Auto V. Remember to use this power responsibly, and may your ventures yield immense profits.
