Northern Lights Forecast
See the Aurora Tonight
Current Geomagnetic Conditions
Below you'll find the expected global geomagnetic conditions for the next 24 hours.
- Kp-index: 3
- Bz-field: -5 nT
- Solar wind speed: 450 km/s
These conditions indicate a moderate chance of seeing the aurora tonight, especially at high latitudes.
Aurora Forecast
The aurora forecast for tonight is as follows:
- Northern Canada: Good chance of seeing the aurora, especially in the northernmost regions.
- Alaska: Good chance of seeing the aurora, especially in the northern half of the state.
- Northern United States: Moderate chance of seeing the aurora in the northernmost states, such as Maine, Michigan, and Minnesota.
- Southern United States: Very low chance of seeing the aurora.
The aurora is a beautiful and awe-inspiring natural phenomenon. If you're lucky enough to see it, be sure to take the time to enjoy its beauty.